Módulos del MP

About the installation, databases and the environment

Installation and activation of the license of use
Familiarize yourself with the environment
 Databases MP
 Technical users and only query

Maintenance management

Introducción a la aplicación MP Gestión de mantenimiento
Equipment catalogue
Tree locations
Maintenance plans
Work orders
Non-routine work
Calendars maintenance
Predictive maintenance
Readings of use
Catalogues of resources
Vouchers store
Log consumption
Analysis of information
App MPmobile

Inventory of spare parts

Introducción a la aplicación Inventario de repuestos
Catalog of spare parts and consumables
Administración de almacenes y registro de valores iniciales
Movements of input and output
Vales de almacén vistos desde el inventario
Niveles de inventario y abastecimiento
Vouchers store
Log consumption

Control tools

Introducción a la aplicación Control de herramientas
Catalog of tools
Administración de almacenes y registro de valores iniciales
Movements of input and output
Receipts and refunds are tools,

Applications maintenance

Introducción a Solicitudes de mantenimiento
Request manager
Reporteador de solicitudes de mantenimiento
App MPsolicitudes

About the installation, databases and the environment

Maintenance management

Inventory of spare parts

Control tools

Applications maintenance