About the installation, databases and the environment
Maintenance management
Inventory of spare parts
Control tools
Applications maintenance
About the installation, databases and the environment
Installation and activation of the license of use
Familiarize yourself with the environment
Know the environment
▸ Knowing the environment with the database of examples
▸ Main menu and submenu
▸ Toolbar and mesh information
▸ Panel information
▸ Sort meshes of information
▸ Grouping meshes of information
▸ Filter the information in tights
▸ Show, hide, move or adjust columns
▸ Selecting and editing multiple records
▸ Tools and configuration options
▸ Shortcuts
▸ Help
▸ Selector applications
Databases MP
Creation of new databases
▸ Basic concepts about the creation of new databases
▸ What is an access to the database?
▸ Selection of the Database when you enter the application
▸ How do I create a new database?
▸ Streamlined for the creation of databases on your local computer
▸ Advanced option for the creation of databases in the cloud or on a network
Maintenance management
More information and advanced tools for editing the catalogue of equipment
▸ Description of the equipment
▸ Equipment classification
▸ Priority of the team
▸ Equipment supplier
▸ Location or team parent team
▸ Geographic location
▸ Centre of costs of equipment
▸ Technical specifications, equipment type and custom fields of the computer
▸ Images, attachments and notes for the team
▸ Catalog auxiliary images
▸ Catalog auxiliary attachments
Maintenance plans
More information and advanced tools in the editing of maintenance plans
▸ Add parts
▸ Edit parts
▸ Delete parts
▸ Copy and paste parts
▸ Insert a maintenance plan within another
▸ Add activities
▸ Edit activities
▸ Frequency of activities
▸ Priority of activities
▸ Duration of the activities
▸ Strike team
▸ Classification of activities
▸ Activities that involve the taking of a measurement (predictive Maintenance)
▸ Procedure to perform the activities
▸ Safety notes, images, and attachments of activities
▸ Requirements to close or include activities in OT
▸ Delete activities
▸ Copy-and-paste activities
Work orders
Generate work orders
▸ Basic concepts on the generation of a work order (WO)
▸ Period of the OT (work order)
▸ Generate OTs from the module Jobs waiting to give you a work Order
▸ Select jobs and generate OT (work order)
▸ Advance or postpone activities
▸ Calculation of the duration of the work, assignment of responsible and distribution of work loads
▸ Generate OTs from the module Maintenance routine next
▸ Record routine activities to be carried out without OT
▸ Generate OTs from the module non-routine Work
▸ Register non-routine work carried out without OT
▸ Generate OTs from the module teams and locations
▸ Teams and locations outside of service
▸ Assign responsible to a work order
Predictive maintenance
Activities that require the monitoring of a measurement or condition of the equipment (Eg. Temperature, amperage, etc)
▸ Introduction to activities that require the monitoring of a measurement or condition
▸ Alert teams or locations with measurements outside or nearby to the limits
▸ History of measurements
Readings of use
Activities controlled by readings (Eg. KM, hours of use, parts produced, etc)
▸ Introduction to controlled activities for reading
▸ Average monthly usage estimated
▸ Automatic calculation of the average monthly usage
▸ Alert teams with readings out-of-date
▸ History of readings
▸ Restart or replace meter, odometer, clock counter of hours of use, etc
Analysis of information
App MPmobile
What is the App MPmobile?
▸ To download and install the App MPmobile
▸ Conexión de la App MPmobile con las bases de datos del MP
▸ Ingreso a la App MPmobile y selección de equipos
▸ Record readings of use from the App MPmobile
▸ Record measurements from the App MPmobile
▸ Printing of QR codes from MP
Inventory of spare parts
Introducción a la aplicación Inventario de repuestos
▸ Introducción al inventario de repuestos
▸ ¿Por qué el Inventario de repuestos es una aplicación independiente de la aplicación Gestión de mantenimiento MP?
▸ Database of Inventory of spare Parts
▸ Liga de la base de datos del Inventario con la base de datos del MP
▸ Desligar base de datos del Inventario de la base de datos del MP
Control tools
Movements of input and output
Movements of input and output
▸ Movimientos de entrada y de salida
▸ Movimientos de inventario inicial
▸ Generar movimientos de entrada y de salida
▸ Movimientos con código de barras
▸ Inventario físico
▸ Generate new physical inventory
▸ Validar los registros y crear movimientos de ajuste
▸ Upload physical inventory previously initiated
▸ Correction of movements