Add a computer

To register for a new computer, press Add on the toolbar. A new screen will open with fields to capture and supplementary information in the computer that you want to add to your catalog. In this way it is possible to have a catalog of easy access and with a large amount of information related to each computer.

To learn more about how the equipment description and an explanation of each of the fields of capture click here.

To learn more about how to change the name of the fields, enable, and disable fields capture and/or change the order of the concatenated(1) that shape the description of the kit, please refer to configuration options.

Capacity: 7.5 HP
Model: MSV-30
Code: CA-001

When you press Ok your computer is registered in the database.

Add another one like it

This tool is very useful when it is required to capture multiple computers with similar characteristics. It is necessary to modify the code because it is a unique and unrepeatable to each team.

Editing a team

To change the information on a computer, select the computer from the device catalog and press the tool Edit

Delete a team

To remove a team from the catalog of computers, select the computer, and then press the tool Delete

Editing multiple computers

The tool Edit selection allows you to modify the information of multiple computers on a mesh, making this edition a much more quick and easy of multiple registrations, in comparison with the individual edition. For a better understanding of this tool it is strongly recommended to watch the video.

In the window “Edit multiple computers” is enabled the editing directly in the mesh of information. This allows you to select multiple cells and to establish, for example, the same priority to the selection using the tool To assign the same value.

Use the tool Serialize values when you need to generate codes consecutive (Eg. MC-002, MC-002, MC-003, etc). You can also set a prefix and/or suffix string for the codes. This tool is enabled only when you select cells in the column code.

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