Installation and activation of the license of use
Familiarize yourself with the environment
Know the environment
▸ Knowing the environment with the database of examples
▸ Main menu and submenu
▸ Toolbar and mesh information
▸ Panel information
▸ Sort meshes of information
▸ Grouping meshes of information
▸ Filter the information in tights
▸ Show, hide, move or adjust columns
▸ Selecting and editing multiple records
▸ Tools and configuration options
▸ Shortcuts
▸ Help
▸ Selector applications
Tipo de Bases de datos
Creation of new databases
▸ Basic concepts about the creation of new databases
▸ What is an access to the database?
▸ Selection of the Database when you enter the application
▸ How do I create a new database?
▸ Streamlined for the creation of databases on your local computer
▸ Advanced option for the creation of databases in the cloud or on a network
Can't find the answer to your doubts or questions?
Additionally, we offer training courses
Nuestras opciones flexibles de capacitación online y presenciales te brindarán todo el conocimiento necesario para comprender e implementar tu software de mantenimiento.