Introduction to Control of tools
Catalog of tools
Information on the edition of the catalogue of tools
▸ Description of the tool
▸ Code
▸ Unit of measure
▸ Ratings
▸ Specifications, images and attachments
▸ Catalog auxiliary images
▸ Catalog auxiliary attachments
▸ Stores that handle tool
▸ Location in the warehouse
▸ Stocks and start-up costs
▸ Tools controlled by serial number
Warehouse management, initial values and availability
Movements in the warehouse of tools
Receipts and refunds are tools,
Introduction to receipts and returns
▸ What is a shelter?
▸ Movements of input/output vs. receipts/refunds
▸ Generation of a movement of receipt
▸ Tools packages
▸ Check availability of tools
▸ Generation of a movement of return
▸ Consult movements of receipt and returned by employee
▸ Check that employees have a certain tool in shelter
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