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Quick index
- Instalation
- User licenses activation
- Get familiar with the surroundings
- Preventive maintenance
- Non-routine work
- Spare parts inventory
- Database creation or migration
Click on the diagram to learn more.
Summary index
About the installation, databases, and environment
Maintenance management
Spare parts inventory
Tools control
Maintenance requests
Detailed index
About the installation, databases, and environment
Installation and activation of the user license
Get familiar with the surroundings
Know the environment
▸ Knowing the environment with examples database
▸ Main menu and submenu
▸ Toolbar and information mesh
▸ Information panel
▸ Sort information meshes
▸ Group information meshes
▸ Filter information mesh
▸ Show, hide, move or adjust columns
▸ Multiple record selection and editing
▸ Tools and configuration options
▸ Quick access
▸ Help
▸ App selector
MP databases
Creation of new databases
▸ Basics of creating new databases
▸ What is a database access?
▸ Database selection when entering the app
▸ How do I create a new database?
▸ Simplified option for creating databases on your local computer
▸ Advanced option for creating databases in the cloud or on a network
Maintenance management
Equipment catalog
More information and advanced tools from the equipment catalog edition
▸ Description of the equipment
▸ Equipment classification
▸ Equipment priority
▸ Equipment supplier
▸ Location or parent equioment of the equipment
▸ Geographical location
▸ Equipment cost center
▸ Technical specifications, type of equipment and custom fields of equipment
▸ Pictures, attachments and equipment notes
▸ Auxiliary image catalog
▸ Auxiliary catalog of attachments
Locations tree
Edition of the location catalog
▸ Add a location / property
▸ Add another location / same property
▸ Edit a location / property
▸ Complementary information on locations / real estate
▸ Location / real estate cost center
▸ Images, attachments and notes of locations / real estate
▸ Delete a location / property
Maintenance plans
More information and advanced tools in editing maintenance plans
▸ Add parts
▸ Edit parts
▸ Delete parts
▸ Copy and paste parts
▸ Insert one maintenance plan into another
▸ Add activities
▸ Edit activities
▸ Frequency of activities
▸ Priority of activities
▸ Duration of activities
▸ Equipment stoppage
▸ Classification of activities
▸ Activities that involve taking a measurement (predictive maintenance)
▸ Procedure to carry out the activities
▸ Safety notes, images and attachments of the activities
▸ Requirements to close or include activities in a WO
▸ Delete activities
▸ Copy and paste activities
Work orders
Generate work orders
▸ Basic concepts about generating a work order (WO)
▸ Period of the WO (work order)
▸ Generate WO from the jobs module waiting to generate a work order
▸ Select jobs and generate WO
▸ Advance or postpone activities
▸ Calculation of the duration of the works, assignment of person in charge and distribution of workloads
▸ Generate WO from the upcoming routine maintenance module
▸ Record routine activities performed without WO
▸ Generate WO from the non-routine jobs module
▸ Record non-routine work performed without WO
▸ Generate WO from the equipment and locations module
▸ Equipment and locations out of service
▸ Assign responsible to a WO
Predictive Maintenance
Usage readings
Activities controlled by readings (eg KM, hours of use, parts produced, etc.)
▸ Introduction to reading-controlled activities
▸ Average estimated monthly usage
▸ Automatic calculation of average monthly use
▸ Alert for equipment with outdated readings
▸ Reading history
▸ Reset or replace counter, odometer, hour counter clock, etc.
Resource catalogs
Scheduled Resources
Information analysis
Charts and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)
▸ Today’s information
▸ Analysis of maintenance work
▸ Failure and root cause analysis
▸ Failure calendar
▸ Cost analysis
▸ Labor analysis
▸ Advanced or custom graphics
▸ Advanced or custom comparatives
▸ Maintenance rates
▸ Deviation in times of routine activities
Navigating from the alerts module
▸ Access the alerts module to know what you have to attend to
▸ Alert for equipment with outdated readings
▸ Alert equipment with measurements outside or near limit
▸ Out of service equipment alert
▸ Alert equipment without assigned plan
▸ Alert of maintenance plans not assigned to equipment or buildings
▸ Alert of delayed routine maintenance
▸ Alert of unconfirmed initial routine maintenance
▸ Alert of routine maintenance modified by the user
▸ Alert of overdue non-routine jobs
▸ Alert of expired work orders
▸ Alert equipment with measurements coming from external sources outside or near limit
MPmobile app
What is the MPmobile app?
▸ Download and install the MPmobile app
▸ Connection of the MPmobile app with the MP databases
▸ Login to the MPmobile app
▸ Check information about your equipment from the MPmobile app
▸ QR code printing from MP
▸ Record usage readings from the MPmobile app
▸ Record measurements from the MPmobile app
▸ Update work orders from the MPmobile app
Spare parts inventory
Spare parts and consumables catalog
Information in the edition of the spare parts catalog
▸ Description of the spare part
▸ Part number
▸ Bar code editing and printing to identify spare parts
▸ Unit
▸ Classifications
▸ Specifications, images and attachments
▸ Auxiliary image catalog
▸ Auxiliary catalog of attachments
▸ Equivalent brands of replacement
▸ Warehouses that handle the spare
▸ Location in the warehouse
▸ Minimum, maximum and optimal levels
▸ Procurement time
▸ Stocks and starting costs
Warehouses and opening stocks
Movements to the warehouse
Warehouse vouchers in inventory
Inventory, supply and requisition levels
▸ Calculation methods for coverage
▸ Which calculation method for coverage should be used
▸ Rotation editing for coverage calculation
▸ Calculation of rotation based on exit movements
▸ Optimal calculation of inventory levels based on turnover
▸ Generation of the flow of resources to calculate the coverage
▸ Understanding the coverage schedule
Tools control
Introduction to Tool Control
Tool Catalog
Information in the tool catalog edition
▸ Description of the tool
▸ Code
▸ Unit of measure
▸ Classifications
▸ Specifications, images and attachments
▸ Auxiliary image catalog
▸ Auxiliary catalog of attachments
▸ Warehouses that handle the tool
▸ Location in the warehouse
▸ Stocks and starting costs
▸ Tools controlled by serial number
Warehouse management, initial values and availability
Movements in the tool warehouse
Safeguards and tool returns
Introduction to receipts and returns
▸ What is a receipt?
▸ Entry / exit movements vs. receipts / returns
▸ Generation of a backup movement
▸ Tool packages
▸ Check availability of tools
▸ Generation of a return movement
▸ Check receipt and return movements by employee
▸ Check which employees have a specific tool in storage
Maintenance requests
Maintenance requests
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Office hours from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.
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